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60 minutes

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure used to exfoliate the skin and remove fine vellus hair, also known as peach fuzz, from the face. During the procedure, a sterile surgical scalpel is gently scraped across the surface of the skin to remove dead skin cells and hair, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. Dermaplaning can help improve the appearance of uneven skin texture, fine lines, and dullness, leaving the skin looking more radiant and youthful.


Steph L

Dermaplaning is fantastic!! I was hesitant to have my face dermaplaned assuming all the fine hair removed would grow back thicker and fuller. The decision to have it done was a choice I am so happy I made. My skin is clear and smooth with a fabulous glow. it has been over a month with no facial hairs in sight! Thank you Eleni

Kat H

 I have super sensitive skin so I can never get hair removal done (waxing, sugaring, threading) because I'll break out.  Eleni suggested dermaplaning and it is awesome! It got rid of all of my peach fuzz and I didn't break out!  Thank you for a solution that works for my sensitive skin!



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